159 research outputs found

    Using an improved rule match algorithm in an expert system to detect broken driving rules for an energy-efficiency and safety relevant driving system

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    Vehicles have been so far improved in terms of energy-efficiency and safety mainly by optimising the engine and the power train. However, there are opportunities to increase energy-efficiency and safety by adapting the individual driving behaviour in the given driving situation. In this paper, an improved rule match algorithm is introduced, which is used in the expert system of a human-centred driving system. The goal of the driving system is to optimise the driving behaviour in terms of energy-efficiency and safety by giving recommendations to the driver. The improved rule match algorithm checks the incoming information against the driving rules to recognise any breakings of a driving rule. The needed information is obtained by monitoring the driver, the current driving situation as well as the car, using in-vehicle sensors and serial-bus systems. On the basis of the detected broken driving rules, the expert system will create individual recommendations in terms of energy-efficiency and safety, which will allow eliminating bad driving habits, while considering the driver needs

    Informatics Inside : Grenzen überwinden - Virtualität erweitert Realität : Informatik-Konferenz an der Hochschule Reutlingen, 11. Mai 2011

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    Die Informatics Inside-Konferenz findet in diesem Jahr zum dritten Mal statt. Mit dem Thema "Grenzen überwinden – Virtualität erweitert Realität" stellt sich die Veranstaltung einem aktuellen Schwerpunkt, der viele Interessierte aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Forschung anzieht. Die Konferenz hat sich von einer Veranstaltung für die Masterstudenten des Studiengangs Medien- und Kommunikationsinformatik zu einer offenen Studentenkonferenz entwickelt. Um die Qualität weiter zu steigern wurde parallel dazu ein zweistufiges Review-Verfahren für Beiträge dieses Tagungsbandes eingeführt

    Detecting the adherence of driving rules in an energy-efficient, safe and adaptive driving system

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    An adaptive and rule-based driving system is being developed that tries to improve the driving behavior in terms of the energy-efficiency and safety by giving recommendations. Therefore, the driving system has to monitor the adherence of driving rules by matching the rules to the driving behavior. However, existing rule matching algorithms are not sufficient, as the data within a driving system is changing frequently. In this paper a rule matching algorithm is introduced that is able to handle frequently changing data within the context of the driving system. 15 journeys were used to evaluate the performance of the rule matching algorithms. The results showed that the introduced algorithm outperforms existing algorithms in the context of the driving system. Thus, the introduced algorithm is suited for matching frequently changing data against rules with a higher performance, why it will be used in the driving system for the detection of broken energy-efficiency or safety-relevant driving rules

    A Home E-Health System for Dependent People Based on OSGI

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    This chapter presents a e-health system for dependent people installed in a home environment. After reviewing the state of art in e-health applications and technologies several limitations have been detected because many solutions are proprietary and lack interoperability. The developed home e-health system provides an architecture capable to integrate different telecare services in a smart home gateway hardware independent from the application layer. We propose a rule system to define users’ behavior and monitor relevant events. Two example systems have been implemented to monitor patients. A data model for the e-health platform is described as well.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TSI2006-13390-C02-0

    An Orientation Service for Dependent People Based on an Open Service Architecture

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    This article describes a service architecture for ambient assisted liv ing and in particular an orientation navigation service in open places for persons with memory problems such as those patients suffering from Alzheimer’s in its early stages. The service has the following characteristics: one-day system autonomy; self-adjusting interfaces for simple interaction with patients, based on behavioural patterns to predict routes and destinations and to detect lost situations; easy browsing through simple spoken commands and use of photo graphs for reorientation, and independence of GISs (Geographic Information Systems) to reduce costs and increase accessibility. Initial testing results of the destination prediction algorithm are very positive. This system is integrated in a global e-health/e-care home service architecture platform (OSGi) that enables remote management of services and devices and seamless integration with other home service domains.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TSI2006-13390-C02-0

    Aproximación a los sensores biométricos para medir el perfil de stress

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    n este artículo se realiza un estudio sobre los sen sores biométricos que pueden ayudar a tomar me didas sobre el estrés que sufre una individuo con el objetivo de combinar esta información con la infomración obtenida de los entornos inteligentes y que éstos últimos sean capaces de adaptarse a las condiciones de los individuos moderando la situación de estrés. Se realiza un estudio sobre los cambios biométricos que se producen en situa ciones de estrés así como una taxonomía de los sen sores biométricos del mercado además de presentar un entorno inteligente donde desplegar estos sen sores y dos escenarios de trabajo futuro

    An analysis and proposal for the work of social workers in psychopedagogical services in schools in the Valencian Autonomous Community

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    Los Trabajadores Sociales de Educación de la provincia de Alicante nos planteamos la necesidad de actualizar las funciones que la normativa de la, denominada en su día, Conselleria de Educación y Ciencia nos marca, dentro de los Servicios Psicopedagógicos Escolares (SPE) y Gabinetes Psicopedagógicos Municipales (GPM) de la Comunidad Autónoma Valenciana. Los motivos vienen determinados por considerar una normativa obsoleta (Orden 10 de marzo de 1995), una realidad social y educativa cambiante que determinan nuevas demandas hacia el trabajador social de educación, y la configuración de un perfil profesional que nos diferencie de otros profesionales que también intervienen en el ámbito socio-educativo. Este documento es el resultado del trabajo realizado inicialmente por un grupo de trabajadores sociales de educación (a partir de ahora TRASO) de la Provincia de Alicante y consensuado, finalmente, en el I Encuentro de Trabajadores Sociales de Educación de la Comunidad Autónoma Valenciana en diciembre de 2016.As social workers in education in the province of Alicante we consider it necessary to update our roles as described in the regulations of the Regional Council of Education and Science, within the School Psychopedagogical Services and the Municipal Educational Psychopedagogical Services of the Autonomous Community of Valencia. We propose these changes because the regulations are outdated (1995), and because of the need to reflect the changing educational and social reality. In addition, the work of social workers in the educational field has changed, and social workers need their own professional profile that is differentiated from that of other professionals who work in the field of education. This document is the result of the work of a group of social workers in the educational field in the province of Alicante. It was approved by the first meeting of social workers in the educational field in the Autonomous Community of Valencia in December of 2016

    A collaborative standard-based mobile telemonitoring platform

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    Telemedicine is becoming an increasingly important approach to diagnostic, treat or prevent diseases. However, the usage of Information Communication Technologies in healthcare results in a considerable amount of data that must be efficiently and securely transmitted. Many manufacturers provide telemedicine platforms without regarding interoperability, mobility and collaboration. This paper describes a collaborative mobile telemonitoring platform that can use the IEEE 11073 and HL7 communication standards or adapt proprietary protocols. The proposed platform also covers the security and modularity aspects. Furthermore this work introduces an Android-based prototype implementatio

    A holistic approach to the sustainable empowerment of the ageing society

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    This paper presents a new European initiative to support the sustainable empowerment of the ageing society. Empowerment in this context represents the capability to have a self-determined, autonomous and healthy life. The paper justifies the need of such an initiative and highlights the role that telemedicine and ambient assisted living can play in this environment

    An adaptive driving system regarding energy-efficiency and safety

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    Energy-efficiency and safety became an important factor for car manufacturers. Thus, the cars have been optimised regarding the energy consumption and safety by optimising for example the power train or the engine. Besides the optimisation of the car itself, energy-efficiency and safety can also be increased by adapting the individual driving behaviour to the current driving situation. This paper introduces a driving system, which is in development. Its goal is to optimise the driving behaviour in terms of energy-efficiency and safety by giving recommendations to the driver. For the creation of a recommendation the driving system monitors the driver and the current driving situation as well as the car using in-vehicle sensors and serial-bus systems. On the basis of the acquired data, the driving system will give individual energy-efficiency and safety recommendations in real-time. This will allow eliminating bad driving habits, while considering the driver needs